About the Fund

The Nationwide Pension Fund (the Fund) is a Defined Benefit arrangement. This means, when you left Pensionable Service you had built up an annual pension, as opposed to an individual account which could be used to buy a pension later.

You will have received a Statement shortly after leaving Pensionable Service, confirming how much pension you have built up. Your pension may continue to increase up until you decide to start receiving it. This increase is sometimes referred to as ‘revaluation’.

Go to the ‘My Pension’ section to find out more about when you can start receiving your pension.

The Fund also provides some financial protection for your loved-ones should you die. You can find out more about this, and who can receive any payments from the Fund, in the ‘Benefits for my family’ section.

Take a look at the Pension Scams page for some helpful tips to help protect you and your pension savings from potential scams.