
Additional Contributions
Contributions paid in addition to your normal contributions to the Fund to secure additional pension.

Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE)
A type of defined benefit scheme, where you get a guaranteed pension based on your average revalued pensionable salary over your career.

Consumer Prices Index (CPI)
A Government measure of inflation. It tracks the prices of a range of household items, excluding housing costs (such as mortgage and rent payments).

Deferred Member
A member who is no longer contributing, therefore not building up any further pension benefit and is yet to draw their pension.

Deferred Pension
The pension that you have built up to the date of leaving the Fund, and which has not yet become payable.

Eligible Children
This means your natural, step, or adopted children who are either under age 18 or under age 23 and in full-time education.

Final Pensionable Salary
This is based on the definition that applied to your 31 March 2011 terms, and is calculated at the date you take your pension or leave.

Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP)
The minimum pension the Fund must provide for your contracted-out service prior to 6 April 1997.

Marginal Tax Rate
The highest rate at which you pay income tax.

Normal Retirement Age
The Normal Retirement Age for the Fund is age 65.

Pensionable Salary
The contractual salary you would receive if you did not participate in any salary sacrifice options (SMART) and the salary on which your pension and contributions are based.

Pensionable Service
The number of years and complete days that you have been a member of the Fund.

A member who is receiving pension benefits from the fund.

Protected Percentage
Accrued final salary pension at 31 March 2011.

Qualifying Dependant
The Trustees will decide whether you have a qualifying dependant, in accordance with the Fund rules. This will normally be your husband, wife, registered civil partner or a partner with whom you were financially interdependent, or who was financially dependent on you. However, if you were a Nationwide Final Salary member who joined the Fund before 1 September 1998, any spouse to whom you were married on 31 August 1998, and at the date of your death will automatically be your qualifying dependant.

Retail Prices Index (RPI)
A Government measure of inflation. It tracks the prices of a range of household items, including housing costs (such as mortgage and rent payments).

The Fund
The Nationwide Pension Fund.

Nationwide Pension Fund Trustee Limited, which is responsible for the running of the Fund in accordance with the Trust Deed and Rules.