
July 2017

Changes to data protection legislation


The law relating to data protection is changing with effect from 25 May 2018, being replaced by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

How can I locate lost pension pots?


In May 2016, the Government launched a free Pension Tracing Service enabling you to track down lost or forgotten pension pots. The service allows you to trace either the name of your previous employer or the name of the pension provider at that time.

June 2017

New pensions minster announced following cabinet reshuffle


Following the government’s latest cabinet reshuffle, Guy Opperman has been appointed as the new pensions minister or the parliamentary under secretary of state for pensions and financial inclusion to give him his full title. He replaces Richard Harrington who was previously in the role for less than a year.

Annuity market reforms announced


New reforms recently announced will require annuity providers to inform individuals (when purchasing an annuity) if a higher annuity income can be obtained elsewhere from another insurer. For individuals in poor health i.e. those suffering with high cholesterol, blood pressure, or may have a life limiting condition “enhanced annuities” are often available.

May 2017

Trustee Election – The results!


As you are aware the Trustee over the last ten months has been undertaking a process to elect two Member Nominated Trustee Directors (MNTDs) to the Trustee board.

Will you get the full amount of the new State Pension?


Pension reforms in April 2016 introduced the new State Pension. How much will you be entitled to?

Pension Wise – Free and impartial guidance


There have been a number of changes to Pension Wise since it was first established in 2015 and therefore we would like to take this opportunity to remind you about the service they currently provide.

Why the general election might impact how the State Pension increases


As we approach the general election, State Pension provision and in particular how it increases each year, is a topic for political debate, especially as the leading parties have already declared different pledges in this regard.

Snap general election halts the decision to reduce the MPAA


Following the announcement to call a snap general election, the Government has proposed changes to the Finance (No 2) Bill to expedite it before Parliament is dissolved.

April 2017

Could more people be affected by the rise in the State Pension Age?


An independent report prepared by former Director-General of the Confederation of British Industry suggests that the State Pension Age should rise to age 68 by 2039.