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Changes to our Trustee Board

Posted on: 01/04/2021

In the 2020 Annual Review, we shared with you the news that Pete Wilkin was stepping down from the Trustee Board at the end of March 2021. Pete has expertly led the Fund, as Chair of the Trustee Board, for the past eight years. The Trustee Directors have chosen to appoint Catherine Redmond as his natural successor, to be our new Chair from 1 April 2021. Catherine is a Professional Trustee and has been on our Board since July 2018, she is also chair of the Investment & Funding Committee.

To fill the Employer Nominated Director (END) vacancy, we're delighted to welcome Mark Hedges to the Board from 1 April 2021. Mark has worked with the Fund, as Chief Investment Officer (CIO), and also held trustee and director roles elsewhere, so brings immense knowledge, expertise and experience. Mark’s change of role means the Fund also has a new CIO, Chris Grant, who has a wealth of investment and treasury experience. You’ll be able to read an ‘interview with Chris’ in our next edition of Pensionwide.

For more about the Trustee, our current Directors and how they manage our Fund take a look at the ‘About the Fund’ section.