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Changes to the Directors of the Trustee Board

Posted on: 04/02/2021

In December 2020, we said farewell and thank you to Muir Mathieson for giving over four years of his expertise and support to the Board as an Employer Nominated Director (END). We also welcomed Heather Tipple to join the Board as a new END. Heather brings trustee experience as well as a wealth of experience in Financial Services.

We’ve previously notified you of the seven-month extension to Rob Goldspink’s current term, until January 2021. In light of the pandemic and changes to the Fund, we’re extending this further and we’re also extending John Wrighthouse’s term. Both were due to end their five-year terms as Member Nominated Directors (MNDs) on 31 January 2021 but we now see this taking us through to at least September 2021 while we arrange the election process for two MND roles during 2021.

You can see more about the Trustee Directors on our Managing the Fund page. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a trustee, you can watch our video on ‘How our Fund is run’ by visiting the video hub on the Fund website. Keep an eye out for more news about nominations and the election in 2021.