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Digital communications and you…

Posted on: 16/10/2016

Communicating effectively with over 30,000 Fund members on a regular basis is very time consuming and can be expensive. Whilst the Trustee looks to maintain the high quality of the communications it issues, it is looking for the most efficient and effective ways to communicate.

Changes to the law now allow the Trustee to consider alternatives to traditional paper based communications. One initiative the Trustee is pursuing is making a move towards going “paperless”, notifying members by email or SMS text message when new communications are available to view or download from the Fund’s website.

There are several reasons why the Trustee would like to “go paperless” and some of these include:

  • To reduce the amount of paper wasted (which is better for the environment);
  • To be able to issue documents and notices to members more quickly;
  • To reduce the number of paper documents you have to store, recycle or shred;
  • To reduce printing and postage costs;
  • To make it easier for the Trustee to stay in touch with you.

What documents would be available electronically?

There is certain information the law requires the Trustee to provide and currently these are issued to you through the post. The intention is to make this information available electronically and the new 2015/2016 Annual Review is being distributed in this format.

There may be occasions when the Trustee is required to send you communications in paper format, but it will endeavour to keep these to a minimum.

What are the next steps?

The Trustee will be contacting all members in the next few months to invite you to provide your email and/or mobile phone number. You will also be provided with information about what to do if you wish to continue to receive this information by post (i.e. opt out of digital communications).