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How to protect yourself from pension scams

Posted on: 24/02/2017

Taking simple steps to protect yourself from pension scams, is the best way to protect your pension scheme assets. Following a few simple suggestions as set out below may help you:

  • Do not allow yourself to be forced or rushed into snap decisions particularly in relation to the transfer of your benefits. Fraudsters will often apply pressure on you to transfer your funds quickly. If you have any concerns contact The Pensions Advisory Service before agreeing to any transfer.
  • Legitimate Companies will not: - contact you directly or unexpectedly over the phone
    - send unsolicited text messages to initiate contact with you
    - meet with you out of the blue
    - use mobile telephone numbers as their main contact telephone number
  • Show caution when offers appear too good to be true. Alarm bells should begin to ring if individuals or Companies offers ways to: - exploit tax loopholes
    - the opportunity to unlock your pension before the age of 55
    - promise additional tax savings
    - offer very high returns from overseas or 'unusual' investments
  • Do not sign any documentation unless you are absolutely sure that you are corresponding with an organisation that is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).A list containing the names of scam schemes can be viewed by clicking on the following link http://www.scamsmart.fca.org.uk