
August 2021

Member Nominated Trustee Director election


From Wednesday 25 August 2021, members eligible to vote in the Member Nominated Trustee Director election will start to receive details from our election partner.

Updated Message from Nationwide - Ongoing pensioner tax code issue


You may recall that some pensioner members were impacted by a tax code issue resulting from an isolated incident when we reported April’s pay information to HMRC after moving to a new payroll system. If you were affected by this, you’ll have received a communication from us in June.

We know that for the majority of pensioners impacted, you’ll have already had your record corrected and received a revised tax code.

June 2021

Message from Nationwide Building Society – Ongoing pensioner tax code issue


We know a number of Nationwide Pension Fund pensioner members are experiencing an ongoing issue with an incorrect tax code being applied to their record with HMRC. This issue began as a result of an isolated incident when we reported April’s pay information to HMRC after moving to a new payroll system. We’re very sorry this continues to be a problem for some.

If you’ve been affected by this, you’ll have received a communication from us earlier this month either by email or letter. Please find an update on the current situation and a recommended approach you may choose to take to speed up resolving the matter here.

April 2021

Changes to our Trustee Board


In the 2020 Annual Review, we shared with you the news that Pete Wilkin was stepping down from the Trustee Board at the end of March 2021.

March 2021

An important update on funding from the Trustee of the Nationwide Pension Fund


We’re pleased to inform you that the Society and Trustee have recently entered into an arrangement that includes providing the Fund with a substantial contingent asset.

February 2021

Changes to the Directors of the Trustee Board


In December 2020, we said farewell and thank you to Muir Mathieson for giving over four years of his expertise and support to the Board as an Employer Nominated Trustee Director.

December 2020

Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) – an update


In October 2018, the High Court ruled in the Lloyds Banking Group case that the Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) benefits for men and women should be equalised for benefits built-up between 17 May 1990 and 6 April 1997.

November 2020

An important update on funding from the Trustee of the Nationwide Pension Fund


We’re pleased to inform you that the Society and Trustee have recently entered into an arrangement that includes providing the Fund with a substantial contingent asset.

July 2020

Protect your pension


Action Fraud have reported a 400% increase in scams as a result of coronavirus-related fraud with total losses reaching nearly £970,000. It’s more important than ever to ensure the safety of your pension.

Looking after your financial wellbeing


We’ve put together some some top tips to help you protect your overall financial wellbeing during this time: set up ‘two factor authentication’, review your credit report, check whether your email address has been compromised, review your passwords...